Thursday, September 30, 2010

Internship during Summer '10

I had a real blast this Summer. I actually had a chance to have internship game studio called "Action Seed," in Korea, as a concept artist. That's right, I actually had a chance to design a monster for the future upcoming MMORPG!!~ This is like dream come true, and I'm actually made one step further to my dream. I'm not allowed to tell what this MMORPG is (the game company did not even revealed gameplay trailer on the site) but think Dynasty Warriors and Diablo 3 mated together... that's how much detail I can give ^_^;

Surprisingly the Art Director told me that he will actually use my monster design for the game! More Dream comes true!~ So yeah that's what's been keeping me veeeeeeeeeery busy. For past months I've been preparing various portfolios for this game company which also explains why I did not updated for a long time. Also the people I am working with are veterans of concept art (some of them have 10 years of experience as a game concept artist and one of the concept artist actually worked for Lineage)
I learned a lot even though it was a month experience. It was sad when I had to say goodbye to the team. But they gave me the gift that cannot be trade with anything. ^________^

So the monster I designed is called "Hunger" or Shig-Gyi (식귀) in Korean According to Eastern mythology or legend, Hunger is an accursed undead spirit that roams around the world, devouring anything in sight(basically this undead is known for stomach of bottomless pit) The undead spirit is cursed with insatiable hunger for being gluttony in his or her past. OR simply call it Asian Zombie. I had so much designing this monster but yet challenging since I never made video game art quality concept art in my life. The image on the left is Hunger's mouth when he/she opens (referenced from Hydralisk from Starcraft)

식귀/Hunger is (c) by me and Action Seed