Monday, September 5, 2011

Landscape Narrative Projects

After finishing Landscape Narrative Sketchbook, the instructor told me to see through my sketches and find what I got interested the most. I enjoyed using indian ink as a background and add squiggly line with white gel pen. I decided to proceed with this technique by doing a painted canvas but with tempura wash technique, and this here is my result:
untitled, tempura, acrylic, and gouache, 2010

The tempura wash technique is using gouache on canvas then layering it over with tempura. After the tempura got completely dried, wash tempura layer very lightly.

Since I'm used to doing anything on top of canvas, I decided to leave my comfort zone and do wire sculpture installation. 

All of them are down with stainless steel wire, coated with gouache and acrylics. After finishing all 7 sculptures, I fused with all together and this is my final product:

Untitled, stainless steel and gouache, 2010
(It's about 5 feet tall and around 3.5 feet wide.)
Sadly I didn't took angled picture of this sculpture because it is very dimensional and not flat.

Here some extra stuff, mostly my work in progress pictures I scavanged.

There's my foot~

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