Friday, December 17, 2010

Done with ANIMATION!!~

It always feels great when that HUGE burden just leaps off your back. I was literally stayed up 3 days straight just to finish my animation and study other finals for my college. I never thought I will get the digital animation done in time, but I guess I was wrong of myself. The total length animation is only 1 minutes long, so many scenes had to be cut out. If I had time I definitely would have add more action scenes and better animation (my actual goal length of the animation was 1 min 30 seconds, but my instructor told me that it can be suicidal, since doing 1 minutes 2D animation in 4~5 weeks is tough enough, doing 1min 30seconds of animation is THE WORST CASE SCENARIO). I am not 100% satisfied with my final animation, because I feel like I could have add or done better. Now that I finished 4 classes, I have only 1 final project left, and funny how I want the final project to be animation again ^_^; I'm such a masochist. Without further delay, here's my animation!~ (it's still WIP) If you want higher quality please visit my Youtube channel ----------->

Also enjoy more of my traditional arts

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