Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The horror of "Scaling"

Last time I updated my blog: Half a year ago... Yikes

     Well I'm finally back to update my blog! Finally got a chance to sit down, take pictures, and scan all my works in high quality. My junior year is finally over and I've only got 1 year of college life left (that depends if I do something very very VERY moronic and fail class). I'm back in Korea once again and feeling much much better. My arm and chest muscle finally doesn't ache as much I did in America (mostly from working with stainless steel armature wires) and I'm finally gaining weights I lost. Seriously, there's no place like home... That's until when your parents suggest you to go to the DENTIST. I had to get a scaling and dear LORD was it irritating. The weird drilling noise really began to irritate my ear and the bleeding really made my breath stink. I also had one of my tooth anesthetize and it spread to my tongue, so my lunch ended up tasting really half-ass. Worst, the dentist told me there are 2 more teeth that needs to get fixed TT _ TT which means more anesthesia and drilling, but will be less irritating that scaling (I can't believe it but you need to do scaling twice per year... c'mon there's gotta be some kind of new technology that requires less drilling). On the bright side, once again, I got another chance to do another internship at a gaming studio known as NeoWiz. Hopefully I could get in and work as a character/monster/ or any kind of illustrator in the studio. The studio is reeeeally far away and I have to take a 1 hour bus trip to get to the studio.
      Enough of me chatting, since I'll keep updating my blog this summer. Rather just overflooding this post with my recent portfolios, I'm going to sloooooooooooowly post stuff I did hehehe.

Mountain Ram (not finished), graphite
Rhinoceros Beetle, graphite
Barn Owl, watercolor
Shells (not finished), watercolor
Brush-footed Butterfly (not sure...), watercolor and gouache

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